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FD - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
fi.iki.elonen - package fi.iki.elonen
External sources.
file - Variable in class model.PartTest
file1 - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorTest
file1 - Variable in class main.MainTest
file2 - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorTest
file2 - Variable in class main.MainTest
FileDrop - Class in gui
This class makes it easy to drag and drop files from the operating system to a Java program.
FileDrop(Component, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Constructs a FileDrop with a default light-blue border and, if c is a Container, recursively sets all elements contained within as drop targets, though only the top level container will change borders.
FileDrop(Component, boolean, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Constructor with a default border and the option to recursively set drop targets.
FileDrop(PrintStream, Component, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Constructor with a default border and debugging optionally turned on.
FileDrop(PrintStream, Component, boolean, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Constructor with a default border, debugging optionally turned on and the option to recursively set drop targets.
FileDrop(Component, Border, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Constructor with a specified border
FileDrop(Component, Border, boolean, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Constructor with a specified border and the option to recursively set drop targets.
FileDrop(PrintStream, Component, Border, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Constructor with a specified border and debugging optionally turned on.
FileDrop(PrintStream, Component, Border, boolean, FileDrop.Listener) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop
Full constructor with a specified border and debugging optionally turned on.
FileDrop.Event - Class in gui
This is the event that is passed to the filesDropped(...) method in your FileDropListener when files are dropped onto a registered drop target.
FileDrop.Listener - Interface in gui
Implement this inner interface to listen for when files are dropped.
FileDrop.TransferableObject - Class in gui
At last an easy way to encapsulate your custom objects for dragging and dropping in your Java programs! When you need to create a Transferable object, use this class to wrap your object.
FileDrop.TransferableObject.Fetcher - Interface in gui
Instead of passing your data directly to the FileDrop.TransferableObject constructor, you may want to know exactly when your data was received in case you need to remove it from its source (or do anyting else to it).
fileExists(Path) - Static method in class utility.FileUtils
fileExists(String) - Static method in class utility.FileUtils
fileExistsTest() - Method in class utility.FileUtilsTest
fileExtensionSupported(String) - Method in class configuration.FileFilter
Uses the file extension filter on the string path.
FileFilter - Class in configuration
FileFilter() - Constructor for class configuration.FileFilter
fileFilter - Variable in class configuration.ModuleConfiguration
includes or excludes file types
FileFilterTest - Class in configuration
FileFilterTest() - Constructor for class configuration.FileFilterTest
FileIdentificationCommandModule - Class in modules
FileIdentificationCommandModule() - Constructor for class modules.FileIdentificationCommandModule
fileIdModuleTest() - Method in class modules.ModuleTests
fileMonitorDaemon - Variable in class controller.ExtractionController
FileMonitorDaemon - Class in controller
The FileMonitorDaemon is a daemon that observes file events.
FileMonitorDaemon(ExtractionController) - Constructor for class controller.FileMonitorDaemon
FileMonitorTest - Class in controller
FileMonitorTest() - Constructor for class controller.FileMonitorTest
fileName - Variable in class model.Event
The filename that allows the controller to add new files to the specific profile.
fileName - Variable in class model.Part
Name of the file
fileName - Variable in class modules.SimpleLogGrep.GrepMatch
fileName - Variable in class modules.SimpleXPath.QueryMatch
filePath - Variable in class modules.OfficeDDTDependencyExtractorModule.OfficeDependency
filesDropped(File[]) - Method in interface gui.FileDrop.Listener
This method is called when files have been successfully dropped.
FileStorageInterface - Class in storage
Class to start Elasticsearch queries.
FileStorageInterface() - Constructor for class storage.FileStorageInterface
FileStoreModule - Class in modules
FileStoreModule() - Constructor for class modules.FileStoreModule
fileTypeSupported(Path) - Method in class configuration.FileFilter
Checks whether the file type should be extracted, or filtered out.
FileUtils - Class in utility
This utility class simplifies the creation and deletion of files for the application.
FileUtilsTest - Class in utility
FileUtilsTest() - Constructor for class utility.FileUtilsTest
fileWatcher - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorDaemon
filter - Variable in class configuration.FileFilterTest
finalize() - Method in class storage.FileStorageInterface
finalize() - Method in class storage.GeneralStorage
finalize() - Method in class storage.MAPDBStorageInterface
FLOW_LOGGER - Static variable in class configuration.Log
Logger for flow tracing.
font_family_names - Variable in class modules.GraphicProperiesModule.GraphicProperies
fontFamily - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
fontFlags - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
FontInformation() - Constructor for class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
fontName - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
fontStretch - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
fontType - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
fontWeight - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
format - Variable in class modules.ScreenshotModule.ScreenShot
fullLine - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
fullName - Variable in class model.OperatingSystem
Full name of the operating system.
fullProcessName - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
fullProcesspath - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
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