- waitBetweenCalls - Variable in class modules.configuration.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
Value to wait between calls in hte iterative monitor
- waitBetweenCalls - Variable in class modules.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
Value to wait between calls in hte iterative monitor
- wasStarted() - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD
- watcher - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorTest
- width - Variable in class com.bric.plaf.AquaSpinningProgressBarUI.Icon
- width - Variable in class modules.GraphicProperiesModule.DisplayInformation
- WINcommandNameOrPath - Variable in class modules.configuration.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
The Windows command name to natively execute; or it's full path.
- WINcommandNameOrPath - Variable in class modules.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
The Windows command name to natively execute; or it's full path.
- WINDOWS_BIN_FILE_EXE - Static variable in class modules.FileIdentificationCommandModule
- WINDOWS_BIN_FILE_EXE - Static variable in class modules.MediaInfoCommandModule
- Winoptions - Variable in class modules.configuration.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
- Winoptions - Variable in class modules.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
- WORKING_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class configuration.Constants
- workingDirectory - Variable in class modules.configuration.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
The absolute path for the current working directory for the command.
- workingDirectory - Variable in class modules.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
The absolute path for the current working directory for the command.
- wrapped - Variable in class modules.GeneralNativeCommandModuleEnv