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paint(Graphics2D, float, Color, int, int, int, int, float) - Static method in class com.bric.plaf.AquaSpinningProgressBarUI
Paints the 12 angular lines in a circle often used to indicate progress in the Aqua interface.
paint(Graphics, JComponent) - Method in class com.bric.plaf.SpinningProgressBarUI
paintBackground(Graphics2D, JComponent) - Method in class com.bric.plaf.SpinningProgressBarUI
paintForeground(Graphics2D, JComponent, Dimension) - Method in class com.bric.plaf.AquaSpinningProgressBarUI
paintForeground(Graphics2D, JComponent, Dimension) - Method in class com.bric.plaf.BasicSpinningProgressBarUI
paintForeground(Graphics2D, JComponent, Dimension) - Method in class com.bric.plaf.SpinningProgressBarUI
Paints the foreground
paintIcon(Component, Graphics, int, int) - Method in class com.bric.plaf.AquaSpinningProgressBarUI.Icon
parseBody(Map<String, String>) - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.HTTPSession
parseBody(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.IHTTPSession
Adds the files in the request body to the files map.
parseLine(String) - Static method in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
part - Variable in class controller.ProfileController.ProfilePart
Part - Class in model
This data structure represents a file with its belonging extracted information.
Part() - Constructor for class model.Part
part - Variable in class model.PartTest
part1 - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorTest
part2 - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorTest
partList - Variable in class gui.ProfilePartsTab
PartTest - Class in model
PartTest() - Constructor for class model.PartTest
Patch() - Constructor for class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch.Patch
patch_addContext(diff_match_patch.Patch, String) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Increase the context until it is unique, but don't let the pattern expand beyond Match_MaxBits.
patch_addPadding(LinkedList<diff_match_patch.Patch>) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Add some padding on text start and end so that edges can match something.
patch_apply(LinkedList<diff_match_patch.Patch>, String) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Merge a set of patches onto the text.
patch_deepCopy(LinkedList<diff_match_patch.Patch>) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Given an array of patches, return another array that is identical.
Patch_DeleteThreshold - Variable in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
When deleting a large block of text (over ~64 characters), how close do the contents have to be to match the expected contents.
patch_fromText(String) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Parse a textual representation of patches and return a List of Patch objects.
patch_make(String, String) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Compute a list of patches to turn text1 into text2.
patch_make(LinkedList<diff_match_patch.Diff>) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Compute a list of patches to turn text1 into text2.
patch_make(String, String, LinkedList<diff_match_patch.Diff>) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Prefer patch_make(String text1, LinkedList diffs).
patch_make(String, LinkedList<diff_match_patch.Diff>) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Compute a list of patches to turn text1 into text2.
Patch_Margin - Variable in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Chunk size for context length.
patch_splitMax(LinkedList<diff_match_patch.Patch>) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Look through the patches and break up any which are longer than the maximum limit of the match algorithm.
patch_toText(List<diff_match_patch.Patch>) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch
Take a list of patches and return a textual representation.
path - Variable in class model.Part
Path to the file
path - Variable in exception modules.GeneralNativeCommandModule.NativeExecutionException
pdf - Variable in class configuration.FileFilterTest
PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule - Class in modules
PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule() - Constructor for class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule
PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation - Class in modules
PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.PDFFontResults - Class in modules
PDFFontResults(List<PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation>, List<PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation>) - Constructor for class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.PDFFontResults
PDFFontResults() - Constructor for class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.PDFFontResults
pdfMediaType - Variable in class configuration.FileFilterTest
pdfMimeType - Variable in class configuration.FileFilterTest
pdfUrl - Variable in class configuration.FileFilterTest
petVersion - Variable in class model.ExtractionResultCollection
Version of the Pericles Extraction Tool used for the extraction
phelp - Variable in class main.StartCommands.CliParameters
pid - Variable in class modules.configuration.LSOFConfig
pid - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
pid - Variable in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation
pidCache - Static variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon
pitchAndFamily - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
plainFilterTest() - Method in class configuration.FileFilterTest
PLAY - Static variable in class gui.GUI
PosixModule - Class in modules
PosixModule() - Constructor for class modules.PosixModule
prev - Variable in class modules.ChromeCLIMonitorModule
prev - Variable in class modules.HandleMonitorModule
prev - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon
PROADD - Static variable in class gui.GUI
PROADDT - Static variable in class gui.GUI
processArguments - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
processevent(Event) - Method in interface controller.EventProcessorInterface
Process event e
processevent(Event) - Method in class controller.StorageEventProcessor
ProcessExtractionModules - Class in modules
ProcessExtractionModules() - Constructor for class modules.ProcessExtractionModules
ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation - Class in modules
ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessParameterExtractor - Class in modules
ProcessExtractionModulesConfiguration - Class in modules.configuration
ProcessExtractionModulesConfiguration() - Constructor for class modules.configuration.ProcessExtractionModulesConfiguration
ProcessExtractionModulesConfiguration(String, String) - Constructor for class modules.configuration.ProcessExtractionModulesConfiguration
processFullPath - Variable in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation
ProcessInformation() - Constructor for class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation
processLine(String, int) - Method in class modules.GeneralNativeCommandModule.LogOutNative
processLine(String) - Method in interface modules.LineProcessor
processLine(String) - Method in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon
processLine(String) - Method in class modules.NativeProcessMonitoringDaemonModule
processName - Variable in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation
processOut(String) - Method in class modules.ChromeCLIMonitorModule
processOut(String) - Method in class modules.HandleMonitorModule
processOut(String) - Method in class modules.NativeProcessIterativeDaemonModule
ProcessParameterExtractor() - Constructor for class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessParameterExtractor
PRODEL - Static variable in class gui.GUI
profile - Variable in class controller.ProfileController.ProfilePart
Profile - Class in model
A Profile is a data structure that contains a list of files (Part) and a list of configured AbstractModules to be used on these files.
Profile(ProfileController, String) - Constructor for class model.Profile
Profile constructor, if no name is given.
Profile(ProfileController, String, String) - Constructor for class model.Profile
Profile constructor to create a Profile with a specific name
profile - Variable in class model.ProfileTest
profileContent - Variable in class gui.ProfileTab
profileController - Variable in class controller.ExtractionController
ProfileController - Class in controller
The ProfileController manages all Profiles and provides a default profile.
ProfileController(ExtractionController) - Constructor for class controller.ProfileController
Constructor of ProfileController will be called by the ExtractionController.
ProfileController.ProfilePart - Class in controller
Utility data structure to manage a file (Part) that belongs to a specific .
ProfileEnvironmentInformationTab - Class in gui
GUI sub-tab of ProfileTab to display extracted file-independent environment information belonging to the selected Profile.
ProfileEnvironmentInformationTab() - Constructor for class gui.ProfileEnvironmentInformationTab
profileID - Variable in class model.ProfileTest
profileList - Variable in class gui.ProfileTab
ProfileModuleTab - Class in gui
ProfileModuleTab(ProfileTab) - Constructor for class gui.ProfileModuleTab
ProfileModuleTab.EventListener - Class in gui
ProfileModuleTab.SelectionListener - Class in gui
ProfilePart(Profile, Part) - Constructor for class controller.ProfileController.ProfilePart
ProfilePartsTab - Class in gui
ProfilePartsTab(ProfileTab) - Constructor for class gui.ProfilePartsTab
ProfilePartsTab.EventListener - Class in gui
ProfilePartsTab.SelectionListener - Class in gui
profileTab - Variable in class gui.GUI
GUI tab with the list of Profiles
ProfileTab - Class in gui
ProfileTab(GUI) - Constructor for class gui.ProfileTab
ProfileTab.SelectionListener - Class in gui
ProfileTemplate - Class in model
A template class for a Profile, to save and load a pre-configured set of AbstractModules used for the fast creation of a Profile.
ProfileTemplate(String) - Constructor for class model.ProfileTemplate
Constructs a ProfileTemplate with a specified name
ProfileTest - Class in model
ProfileTest() - Constructor for class model.ProfileTest
profileUUID - Variable in class model.ExtractionResultCollection
UUID of the Profile where this collection belongs to
PROJECT_HOME - Static variable in class configuration.Constants
PropertiesSaverAndLoader - Class in utility
The PropertiesSaverAndLoader loads the user defined properties from a properties file.
PropertiesSaverAndLoader() - Constructor for class utility.PropertiesSaverAndLoader
proxy - Static variable in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules
ptql - Variable in class modules.configuration.ProcessExtractionModulesConfiguration
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