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read(String) - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.CookieHandler
Read a cookie from the HTTP Headers.
readEventData() - Method in class storage.GeneralStorage
readExternalData(String) - Method in class storage.GeneralStorage
record - Variable in class model.Event
flag to mark an event for recording in the event list.
recordEvents - Variable in class configuration.ModuleConfiguration
records events at event file
reference - Variable in class com.bric.plaf.SpinningProgressBarUI.RepaintListener
refreshRate - Variable in class modules.GraphicProperiesModule.DisplayInformation
regEx - Variable in class modules.configuration.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
TODO: (currently unimplemented) The regular expressions used to generate the outputs (name to identify result, expression)
regEx - Variable in class modules.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
TODO: (currently unimplemented) The regular expressions used to generate the outputs (name to identify result, expression)
RegexConfig - Class in modules.configuration
RegexConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class modules.configuration.RegexConfig
RegexConfig() - Constructor for class modules.configuration.RegexConfig
regexIsValid() - Method in class modules.configuration.RegexConfig
RegexMatch() - Constructor for class modules.RegexModule.RegexMatch
RegexModule - Class in modules
RegexModule() - Constructor for class modules.RegexModule
RegexModule.RegexMatch - Class in modules
RegexModuleTest - Class in modules
RegexModuleTest() - Constructor for class modules.RegexModuleTest
regexModuleTest() - Method in class modules.RegexModuleTest
register(Path, boolean) - Method in class modules.DirectoryMonitorModule
registerConnection(Socket) - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD
Registers that a new connection has been set up.
registerFile(Path) - Method in class controller.FileMonitorDaemon
Only the parent directories can be registered.
registerProfilePartsTest() - Method in class controller.FileMonitorTest
registerTest() - Method in class controller.FileMonitorTest
regularExpression - Variable in class modules.configuration.LogGrepConfig
regularExpression - Variable in class modules.configuration.RegexConfig
regularExpression - Variable in class modules.RegexModule.RegexMatch
regularExpression - Variable in class modules.SimpleLogGrep.GrepMatch
reloadConfigFile() - Method in class gui.ModuleConfigurationEditor
remove(Profile) - Method in class controller.ProfileController
Removes a Profile form the application.
remove(Component) - Static method in class gui.FileDrop
Removes the drag-and-drop hooks from the component and optionally from the all children.
remove(PrintStream, Component, boolean) - Static method in class gui.FileDrop
Removes the drag-and-drop hooks from the component and optionally from the all children.
removeAllModules() - Method in class model.Profile
Removes all AbstractModules from this profile.
removeAllParts() - Method in class model.Profile
Removes all Parts from this profile.
removeFileFromProfile(String, String) - Method in class cli.CLI
Removes a Part from a Profile, when the user types "removeFile [FILE] [PROFILE_UUID]"
removeModule() - Method in class gui.ProfileModuleTab
removeModule(AbstractModule) - Method in class model.Profile
Removes a specific AbstractModule from this profile.
removeModuleFromProfile(String, String) - Method in class cli.CLI
TODO: problem if there are more then one modules with the same name, because of the identification via module name.
removePart(Part) - Method in class model.Profile
Remove a specific Part from this profile.s
removeParts() - Method in class gui.ProfilePartsTab
removeProcessor(EventProcessorInterface) - Method in class controller.EventController
removeProfile() - Method in class gui.ProfileTab
Will remove the profile that is moduleSelected in the profileList.
RepaintListener(JComponent) - Constructor for class com.bric.plaf.SpinningProgressBarUI.RepaintListener
reporter - Variable in class model.Event
The module that reported the event.
reporterName - Variable in class model.Event
The name of the reporting module
Response(String) - Constructor for class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Response
Default constructor: response = HTTP_OK, mime = MIME_HTML and your supplied message
Response(NanoHTTPD.Response.Status, String, InputStream) - Constructor for class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Response
Basic constructor.
Response(NanoHTTPD.Response.Status, String, String) - Constructor for class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Response
Convenience method that makes an InputStream out of given text.
ResponseException(NanoHTTPD.Response.Status, String) - Constructor for exception fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.ResponseException
ResponseException(NanoHTTPD.Response.Status, String, Exception) - Constructor for exception fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.ResponseException
result - Variable in class modules.SimpleXPath.QueryMatch
results - Variable in class model.ExtractionResult
Result object.
results - Variable in class model.KeyValueResult
run() - Method in class cli.CLI
run method of the cli thread that prints continuously the prompt and executes entered user commands.
run() - Method in class controller.FileMonitorDaemon
run() - Method in class modules.AbstractDaemonModule
run() - Method in class modules.NativeProcessIterativeDaemonModule
run() - Method in class modules.NativeProcessMonitoringDaemonModule
runner - Variable in class modules.AbstractDaemonModule
runningExtraction(boolean) - Method in class controller.ExtractionController
Updates the current-running-extraction-Symbol of the GUI.
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