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AbstractDaemonModule - Class in modules
AbstractDaemonModule() - Constructor for class modules.AbstractDaemonModule
AbstractEnvironmentModule - Class in modules
AbstractEnvironmentModule() - Constructor for class modules.AbstractEnvironmentModule
AbstractFileDependentModule - Class in modules
AbstractFileDependentModule() - Constructor for class modules.AbstractFileDependentModule
AbstractModule - Class in modules
The abstract base class for all attribute extraction modules.
AbstractModule() - Constructor for class modules.AbstractModule
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class com.bric.plaf.SpinningProgressBarUI.RepaintListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.GUI.EventListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.InformationView.EventListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.Menu
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.ProfileModuleTab.EventListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.ProfilePartsTab.EventListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class gui.SystemTrayIcon
ADD - Static variable in class gui.ProfilePartsTab
add(String, String) - Method in class model.KeyValueResult
addAllModules(List<AbstractModule>) - Method in class model.Profile
Adds all AbstractModules of a list to this profile.
addAllPartsFromPaths(HashSet<Path>, boolean) - Method in class model.Profile
All all files defines by a Path set to the profile.
addExclusiveMediaType(String) - Method in class configuration.FileFilter
Exclusive: Files of this type won't be considered! If any inclusive type is specified, the exclusive types won't be regarded anymore.
addExclusiveMimeType(String) - Method in class configuration.FileFilter
Exclusive: Files of this type won't be considered! If any inclusive type is specified, the exclusive types won't be regarded anymore.
addExtractionResult(ExtractionResult) - Method in class model.ExtractionResultCollection
Add an ExtractionResult to this collection.
addExtractionResultTest() - Method in class model.MetadataCollectionTest
addFile(String) - Method in class cli.CLI
Add a file to the default profile
addFileExtensionFilter(String) - Method in class configuration.FileFilter
Add a file extension filter: a regular expression that filters file extensions
addFileToProfile(String, String) - Method in class cli.CLI
Adds a file as Part to a Profile, when the user types "add2Profile [FILE] [PROFILE_UUID]".
addHeader(String, String) - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Response
Adds given line to the header.
addInclusiveMediaType(String) - Method in class configuration.FileFilter
Inclusive: Only files of this type will be considered! If an inclusive type is added, the exclusive types won't be regarded anymore.
addInclusiveMimeType(String) - Method in class configuration.FileFilter
Inclusive: Only files of this type will be considered! If an inclusive type is added, the exclusive types won't be regarded anymore.
addModule(AbstractModule) - Method in class model.Profile
Adds an AbstractModule to this profile.
addModuleToProfile(String, String) - Method in class cli.CLI
Adds an to a Profile, when the user types "addModule [MODULE] [PROFILE_UUID]" whereas [MODULE] is the name of the GenericModule that serves as template for the AbstractModule.
addPart(Part) - Method in class model.Profile
Add a Part to this Profile.
addPart(Part, boolean) - Method in class model.Profile
Add a Part to this Profile.
addProcessInformation(ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation) - Method in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
addProcessor(EventProcessorInterface) - Method in class controller.EventController
addRemoveAllModulesTest() - Method in class model.ProfileTest
addRemoveAllPartsTest() - Method in class model.ProfileTest
addRemoveModuleTest() - Method in class model.ProfileTest
addRemovePartTest() - Method in class model.ProfileTest
addSupportedSystem(OperatingSystem.OsName) - Method in class configuration.ModuleConfiguration
The default is "system independent".
addTemplate(ProfileTemplate) - Method in class controller.ProfileController
Add a newly created template (profile -> export as template) to the list of templates
algorithm - Variable in class modules.configuration.ChecksumFileModuleConfig
allFonts - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.PDFFontResults
ApacheTikaExtractionModule - Class in modules
ApacheTikaExtractionModule() - Constructor for class modules.ApacheTikaExtractionModule
appendEvent(String) - Method in class gui.EventsTab
AquaSpinningProgressBarUI - Class in com.bric.plaf
Twelve short line segments that pulse in a clockwise direction.
AquaSpinningProgressBarUI() - Constructor for class com.bric.plaf.AquaSpinningProgressBarUI
AquaSpinningProgressBarUI.Icon - Class in com.bric.plaf
arg - Variable in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation
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