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ec - Variable in class controller.EventController
enabled - Variable in class configuration.ModuleConfiguration
flags, if the module is currently used for extraction
enableModule(String, String, boolean) - Method in class cli.CLI
TODO: problem if there are more then one modules with the same name, because of the identification via module name.
enableProfile(String, boolean) - Method in class cli.CLI
Enables or disables a Profile, when the user types "enable [PROFILE_UUID]".
encoding - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
end - Variable in class modules.RegexModule.RegexMatch
Environment - Class in model
This class is a data structure to hold the extracted information, that is valid for the whole environment and does not depend on single files.
Environment(String) - Constructor for class model.Environment
Use this constructor.
Environment() - Constructor for class model.Environment
environmentInformation - Variable in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation
equals(Object) - Method in class modules.GeneralNativeCommandModuleEnv
equals(Object) - Method in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
equals(Object) - Method in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch.Diff
Is this Diff equivalent to another Diff?
esh - Variable in class modules.NativeProcessMonitoringDaemonModule
Event(File[], Object) - Constructor for class gui.FileDrop.Event
Constructs an FileDrop.Event with the array of files that were dropped and the FileDrop that initiated the event.
Event - Class in model
Represents an event that occurred in the system environment and was monitored by one of the application daemons, or an event created as result of other occurring events.
Event() - Constructor for class model.Event
Event(Object, boolean, AbstractDaemonModule, String) - Constructor for class model.Event
Create a new event, initialising the fields.
Event(Object, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class model.Event
EVENT_STORAGE_FILE - Static variable in class configuration.Constants
eventAddToProfile - Variable in class configuration.ModuleConfiguration
when this event is generated, the part is added to profile UUID
EventController - Class in controller
EventController(ExtractionController) - Constructor for class controller.EventController
EventListener() - Constructor for class gui.GUI.EventListener
EventListener() - Constructor for class gui.InformationView.EventListener
EventListener() - Constructor for class gui.ProfileModuleTab.EventListener
EventListener() - Constructor for class gui.ProfilePartsTab.EventListener
EventProcessorInterface - Interface in controller
eventq - Static variable in class controller.ExtractionController
EventsTab - Class in gui
EventsTab() - Constructor for class gui.EventsTab
eventTab - Variable in class gui.GUI
GUI tab to display occurring events
exception - Variable in class controller.ExtractionControllerBuilderTest
EXCEPTION_LOGGER - Static variable in class configuration.Log
Logger for exceptions.
exclusiveMediaTypeTest() - Method in class configuration.FileFilterTest
exclusiveMimeTypeTest() - Method in class configuration.FileFilterTest
exec(Runnable) - Method in interface fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.AsyncRunner
exec(Runnable) - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.DefaultAsyncRunner
execute(String[], CLI) - Static method in class cli.CLIParser
Method to execute user commands given by the CLI.
execute() - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.HTTPSession
execute() - Method in interface fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.IHTTPSession
executionResult - Variable in exception modules.GeneralNativeCommandModule.NativeExecutionException
executor - Variable in class modules.NativeProcessMonitoringDaemonModule
exit() - Method in class controller.ExtractionController
Exit this application.
exitCode - Variable in exception modules.GeneralNativeCommandModule.NativeExecutionException
exitItem - Variable in class gui.SystemTrayIcon
export2XLS(File) - Method in class gui.InformationChangeTable.TableModel
exportAsTemplate() - Method in class model.Profile
Exports the profile as ProfileTemplate: The list of configured AbstractModules survives, and the name of the Profile.
EXPORTED_TABLES_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class configuration.Constants
extract(Collection<Profile>, boolean, boolean) - Method in class controller.Extractor
Start an extraction for all profiles in the HashSet.
extract - Static variable in class modules.SpotlightMetadataModule
extractFileDependentInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.AbstractFileDependentModule
extractFontList(File) - Method in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.AbstractEnvironmentModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.AbstractFileDependentModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.ApacheTikaExtractionModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.ChecksumFileModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.FileIdentificationCommandModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.FileStoreModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.GeneralNativeCommandModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.GeneralNativeCommandModuleEnv
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.GraphicCardInformationModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.GraphicProperiesModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.InstalledSoftwareModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.JavaInstallationInformationModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.MediaInfoCommandModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.OfficeDDTDependencyExtractorModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.PosixModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessParameterExtractor
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.RegexModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.ScreenshotModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarCpuInfo
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarCpuModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarFileSystem
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarFQDN
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarMemoryInfo
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarNetworkConfig
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarNetworkInterfaces
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarProcStat
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarSwap
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarSystemResources
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarTcp
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarUptime
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SigarEnvironmentModules.SigarWho
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.SigarFileInfo
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SimpleLogGrep
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SimpleXPath
extractInformation(Path) - Method in class modules.SpotlightMetadataModule
extractInformation() - Method in class modules.SystemProperiesModule
EXTRACTION_PREFERENCES_FILE - Static variable in class configuration.Constants
EXTRACTION_PROFILES_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class configuration.Constants
ExtractionController - Class in controller
The ExtractionController is the main controlling class of the application; It controls the main application thread and the extraction process and the Extractor.
ExtractionController() - Constructor for class controller.ExtractionController
Constructor to start without graphics and updates, mainly for testing purposes.
ExtractionController(ExtractionControllerBuilder) - Constructor for class controller.ExtractionController
Constructor that works with the builder pattern.
ExtractionControllerBuilder - Class in controller
The ExtractionControllerBuilder creates an ExtractionController object.
ExtractionControllerBuilder() - Constructor for class controller.ExtractionControllerBuilder
ExtractionControllerBuilderTest - Class in controller
ExtractionControllerBuilderTest() - Constructor for class controller.ExtractionControllerBuilderTest
extractionDate - Variable in class model.ExtractionResult
Date of extraction
ExtractionMain - Class in main
This main class brings together the user properties specified via command line StartCommands and via the properties file PropertiesSaverAndLoader.
ExtractionMain() - Constructor for class main.ExtractionMain
ExtractionResult - Class in model
This class represents the result of a single module extraction run.
ExtractionResult() - Constructor for class model.ExtractionResult
ExtractionResult(AbstractModule) - Constructor for class model.ExtractionResult
This is the constructor you should use.
ExtractionResultCollection - Class in model
Information collections are used to collect sets of extracted information as ExtractionResults, for example from different module extractions, to be saved together.
ExtractionResultCollection() - Constructor for class model.ExtractionResultCollection
ExtractionResultCollection(String) - Constructor for class model.ExtractionResultCollection
Main constructor.
extractionResults - Variable in class model.ExtractionResultCollection
List of extracted information
extractNative(String, String, Path) - Method in class modules.GeneralNativeCommandModule
extractNative(String, String, Path) - Method in class modules.NativeProcessIterativeDaemonModule
extractNewParts(Part[], Profile, boolean) - Method in class controller.Extractor
Extract one specific Part belonging to a Profile.
extractor - Variable in class controller.ExtractionController
Extractor - Class in controller
This information extractor extracts information from the computer system environment.
Extractor(boolean, ExtractionController) - Constructor for class controller.Extractor
Construct an Extractor.
extractProcessInformation(long) - Static method in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessParameterExtractor
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