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canRunNativeCommand() - Method in class modules.GeneralNativeCommandModule
canRunNativeCommand() - Method in class modules.NativeProcessIterativeDaemonModule
chars1 - Variable in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch.LinesToCharsResult
chars2 - Variable in class name.fraser.neil.plaintext.diff_match_patch.LinesToCharsResult
charset - Variable in class modules.PDFFontDependencyExtractorModule.FontInformation
ChecksumFileModule - Class in modules
ChecksumFileModule() - Constructor for class modules.ChecksumFileModule
ChecksumFileModuleConfig - Class in modules.configuration
ChecksumFileModuleConfig() - Constructor for class modules.configuration.ChecksumFileModuleConfig
ChecksumFileModuleConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class modules.configuration.ChecksumFileModuleConfig
checksumModuleTest() - Method in class modules.ModuleTests
ChromeCLIMonitorModule - Class in modules
ChromeCLIMonitorModule() - Constructor for class modules.ChromeCLIMonitorModule
cleanupParts() - Method in class model.Profile
Removes all Parts from this Profile, that refer to non-existing files.
clear() - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.DefaultTempFileManager
clear() - Method in interface fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.TempFileManager
cli - package cli
The interactive command line interface enables user control and management of the tool via command line.
CLI - Class in cli
This class provides an interactive command line interface for the user.
CLI(ExtractionController) - Constructor for class cli.CLI
Constructor called by the ExtractionController to start the command line interface at application start.
client - Variable in class storage.MAPDBStorageInterface
CLIHelp - Class in cli
Class to print the help dialog, that shows the commands that the user can call in the interactive command line mode;
CLIHelp() - Constructor for class cli.CLIHelp
CliParameters() - Constructor for class main.StartCommands.CliParameters
CLIParser - Class in cli
The CLIParser parses the user commands from the interactive command line interface, and calls the right handling functions.
CLIParser() - Constructor for class cli.CLIParser
close() - Method in class gui.GUI
Closes the GUI and informs the ExtractionController.
closeAllConnections() - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD
Forcibly closes all connections that are open.
color - Variable in class com.bric.plaf.AquaSpinningProgressBarUI.Icon
com.bric.plaf - package com.bric.plaf
command - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon.LSOFout
commandNameOrPath - Variable in class modules.configuration.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
The generic command name to natively execute; or it's full path.
commandNameOrPath - Variable in class modules.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
The generic command name to natively execute; or it's full path.
commandNames - Variable in class modules.configuration.LSOFConfig
compare(AbstractModule, AbstractModule) - Method in class modules.ModuleComparator
config - Variable in class modules.AbstractModule
CONFIG_DIRECTORY - Static variable in class configuration.Constants
configIsValid() - Method in class modules.configuration.LogGrepConfig
ConfigSaver - Class in storage
This class saves the configuration to a file by closing the tool; and loads it back at a new start of the tool.
ConfigSaverTest - Class in configuration
ConfigSaverTest() - Constructor for class configuration.ConfigSaverTest
configToEditor() - Method in class gui.ModuleConfigurationEditor
configuration - package configuration
Configuration classes including module configurations and project directory structure configurations.
configurationHash - Variable in class model.ExtractionResult
Hash value of the ModuleConfiguration
configurationIsValid() - Method in class configuration.ModuleConfiguration
Override this method, if a customized module configuration needs validation!
configurationIsValid() - Method in class modules.configuration.LogGrepConfig
configurationIsValid() - Method in class modules.configuration.RegexConfig
configurationIsValid() - Method in class modules.configuration.XmlQueryConfig
Constants - Class in configuration
Constants(String) - Constructor for class configuration.Constants
Configures the constants of the projects directories and configuration files with a specified working directory as parent directory.
controller - package controller
Application controller classes, for managing the extraction process, the storage of the extracted information, management of modules and profiles, event handling, and environment observation.
controller - Variable in class cli.CLI
controller - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorDaemon
controller - Variable in class controller.FileMonitorTest
controller - Variable in class controller.ProfileController
The applications ExtractionController
controller - Variable in class gui.GUI
The applications ExtractionController
controller - Variable in class gui.SystemTrayIcon
Cookie(String, String, String) - Constructor for class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Cookie
Cookie(String, String) - Constructor for class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Cookie
Cookie(String, String, int) - Constructor for class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.Cookie
CookieHandler(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.CookieHandler
count - Variable in class modules.configuration.XmlQueryConfigData
create() - Static method in class com.bric.plaf.SpinningProgressBarUI
Creates a spinning progress bar.
create() - Method in class controller.ExtractionControllerBuilder
This function has to be called as the last function of the chain.
create() - Method in interface fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.TempFileManagerFactory
create(Path, String) - Static method in class model.Part
Private constructor and construction method to check, if the passed file exists.
create() - Method in class modules.AbstractDaemonModule
createAllModules(Profile) - Method in class gui.ProfileModuleTab
createAllParts(Profile) - Method in class gui.ProfilePartsTab
createChecksum(Path, String) - Static method in class modules.ChecksumFileModule
createDirectory(String) - Static method in class utility.FileUtils
createDirectory(Path) - Static method in class utility.FileUtils
createDirectoryTest() - Method in class utility.FileUtilsTest
createFile(String) - Static method in class utility.FileUtils
createFile(Path) - Static method in class utility.FileUtils
createFileTest() - Method in class utility.FileUtilsTest
createMenu() - Method in class gui.Menu
createProfile(String) - Method in class controller.ProfileController
Creates a new Profile
createProfile() - Method in class gui.ProfileTab
createProfileFromTemplate(String[]) - Method in class cli.CLI
Creates a Profile from a ProfileTemplate, when the user types "template2profile [TEMPLATE_NAME]"
createProfileFromTemplate(ProfileTemplate) - Method in class controller.ProfileController
Creates a new Profile from a ProfileTemplate.
createResultTree(ExtractionResultCollection, DefaultMutableTreeNode) - Method in class storage.GeneralStorage
Logic to create the InformationTree from ExtractionResultCollection.
createSelectedModule(AbstractModule) - Method in class gui.ProfileModuleTab
createTempFile() - Method in class fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.DefaultTempFileManager
createTempFile() - Method in interface fi.iki.elonen.NanoHTTPD.TempFileManager
createTest() - Method in class controller.ExtractionControllerBuilderTest
createTest() - Method in class model.PartTest
createWatcher() - Method in class controller.FileMonitorDaemon
createWatcher() - Method in class modules.DirectoryMonitorModule
createWatcherTest() - Method in class controller.FileMonitorTest
current - Variable in class modules.LSOFMonitoringDaemon
currentOsOptions() - Method in class modules.configuration.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
currentOsOptions() - Method in class modules.configuration.LSOFConfig
currentOsOptions() - Method in class modules.GeneralExecutableModuleConfig
cwd - Variable in class modules.ProcessExtractionModules.ProcessInformation
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